The Necessity of Introducing Pedestrian Application for the Visually Impaired to Build a Smart City Based on Universal Design
SPEAKER: Hyongsop Kim (Korea, N-Visions)
SPEAKER: Hyongsop Kim (Korea, N-Visions)
Impact Business Design for Social Ventures
Partner of starting social ventures, Sopoong When we face certain problems in our daily life or when social problems arise, the government solves them, or non-profit organizations and companies solve them. Someone has to pay attention to the problem and develop and disseminate a solution. Can the government do all this? Problems can be solved by institutions and policies, or they can be solved by products and services. It can be a public service, or it can be a product or service that needs to be paid for. I would like to think about the ‘company’, which is the entity that makes these products and services.Life Design for Well-Leaving through Well-Living
Life design for well-leaving through well-living is a very significant theme for all of us to understand. Through this presentation, I would like to share my personal experience regarding care design at the final stage of life and further discuss how such design can be proposed as a policyCitizen-centered Problem Solving, The Value and Performance of Social Problem Solving Design
This presentation aims to accomplish three goals - to introduce concepts and methodologies of social problem-solving design; to draw value of social problem-solving design from cases shared at the previous forums hosted by the city of Seoul; and to put forward designers’ future role and vision in relation to the evolving social problem-solving design. Intro: Widening a Role of Design Across the globe, we’re seeing more complex and diverse issues in our society ranging from social structures and policies, climate change, pandemics, to inequality. Design’s role and potential are expanding in addressing these issues. The Ministry of the Interior and Safety has included public service design in the Administrative Procedures Act to encourage citizen participation. Similarly, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has incorporated social problem-solving design into its policies and general plans.Reborn as a Vibrant Play Space for All Generations... 'Seongsu 1 Play Park' Opens
- On Monday the 16th, the Second Edition of Seoul’s Active Design Landmark… A New Play Space Offering Daily Vitality and Fun - A Circular Walking Trail for All Generations to Enjoy, Offering Dynamic Experiences While Strolling Along the ‘Wave-shaped Hill’ - Designed with Citizen Safety as the Top Priority… Features Include Slip-resistant Surfaces, Gentle Slopes, and Accessibility for Mobility-impaired Individuals - The City Aims to Create an ‘Attractive and Healthy Space’ Offering Fun and Unique Experiences Year-round.Enjoying Hangang Park with a light, breezy hammock and a shaded chair
Hello! I'm *Chwieopppogaegi*, a supporter for the 2024 Seoul Design International Forum. In this post, I’d like to introduce the Ttukseom Hanul Hanul Hammock and shaded chairs. Have you heard of the Hanul Hanul Hammock? It’s part of a fun design space created by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, located in Ttukseom Hangang Park, which will be the venue for the Seoul International Garden Show 2024. This "Hanul Hanul" space was designed with fun design elements and offers a unique resting area. It uses the park’s landscape and net materials to create a hammock-style resting space. "Seoul's Fun Design" aims to bring new discoveries, joyful communication, and sensory enjoyment to citizens' daily lives, making the city more vibrant and attractive by providing fresh and engaging experiences.Social Problem Solving Design, Reinforcement of Resiliency Capacity Through Design
The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that no one has ever experienced. Existing social problems, such as economic recession, relative poverty, increased depression due to social isolation, and the intensification of suffering experienced by vulnerable groups such as infants, young children, the elderly, and the disabled, are being exacerbated by the pandemic. Medical staff and other members of society in various fields are making every effort to identify and deal with unpredictable situations in their respective positions, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government is also currently doing its best to overcome the Corona situation. We are now living in an era where problem-solving strategies are needed more than ever. There is an urgent need for a paradigm shift in policy to prevent and improve social problems that incur huge social costs, rather than reactive measures. Design is one of the main solutions to improve this, and it is a core competency and process that is already being used by many organizations and companies pursuing innovation as well as the public as a tool for solving problems. Through the social problem-solving design policy, the Seoul Metropolitan Government breaks away from the microscopic view of physical improvement and applies design to the overall municipal administration, designing a plan and process for problem-solving, and jointly solving it with various stakeholders. ‘Social resilience’ can be said to be the interaction between the vulnerability of a city and its resilience capacity. The vulnerability of a city is affected by many social problems inherent in the city, and the city's recovery capacity means the city's resources and systems that can overcome and solve these problems. Seoul Design wants to work together to increase the resilience of society so that our daily lives, which have been changed by non-contact, isolation, and social distancing, can be more closely connected.Seoul Metropolitan Government increases Neighborhood Commercial District Awareness with Humorous Sculptures... Solving local issues through design
- To revitalize declining alley commercial districts, 20 types of design solutions such as photo zones, pet parking, and fun benches were implemented. - Signage was installed on the main streets to find hidden shops in alleys more easily. - The cultural street "Seonyuroun' focused on improving short visitor stays and low commercial district awareness. - Seoul Metropolitan Government's departments collaborated using design as a tool to enhance the quality of citizens and improve municipal achievements[Session 2] Designing for Transition: Transforming Design(ers) for a Sustainable Future
[Jeffrey T.K. Valino Koh] I'm Dr. Jeffrey Koh, an Associate Professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology, where I lead the Design Factory, part of a global network. South Korea is fortunate to have two design factories. I'm also co-owner of Chemistry, a design consultancy with offices in Singapore, Amsterdam, and London. We've been operating for about 23 years, specializing in service design, experience design, and planet-centered, regenerative, and circular economy design.Public Design and Platform Media Facade of Communication
Platform media facade of communication in the city New platform is now required for a city image that incorporates the storytelling based on the regional/historical identity as the need to improve the aged downtown (original downtown) is being emphasized. Therefore, there are more municipal governments that desire to re-brand various parts of cities that are aiming towards the fourth industrial cities for citizens and visitors who come to cities. Cities are scrambling to develop the public design system and to transform into future cities. Panaplex-type bus shelters are being installed as DID (Digital Infotainment Display) that enable mobile-linked interactive functions, and the city maps are being implemented in various parts of the cities as AI information that is guided by idols, along with experiential AR/VR media. Although it may be partial, ecosystem evolution that uses media that aims for comprehensive media in key hub cities is transforming cities in line with the hyper-connected era through activities such as pilot operation of unmanned vehicles.The Social Role of Architects
I started building residence and residential spaces related to disasters, because I started thinking that, maybe in the past, I was designing for the privileged class. Because there are cases where people with wealth and authority will construct buildings and structures to visualize and show off their wealth and authority that is not tangible to the human eyes. That made me think that I should be constructing structures for the public and that is why I started building architectures in disaster sites. Of course, it is not bad to build architectures for the former. But we do need to think further about this. There are cases where developers and construction companies are pleased about new projects that may emerge when there is a disaster. However, the victims would of the disaster would be suffering a lot. That is why I thought that social role of an architect would like in supporting refugees of disasters.Evolution of Social Problem-solving Methodology
LBS Tech is a startup that defines and solves social problems by providing a platform for the use and mobility of people with visual and physical disabilities. It supports people with disabilities in “using” ordering, payment and reservation services efficiently. On the other hand, it also provides convenient “mobility” services by providing building information, pedestrian navigation, and user location information. The fundamental basis of the systems comes from careful consideration of cities.From First Class to Coach
Universal design is increasingly becoming an important part of our lives. Universal design should ensure transparency and involve as many people as possible. Universal design encompasses all fields, including economic, architectural, and social design. The history of universal design can be said to have started with the Weimar Declaration. The Universal Design Forum is a German non-profit organization whose purpose is to create a safe place for all of us. We see universal design as an economic and social mission. There is an old German saying, “A good idea reflects the times.” Today, with rapid changes with industrial development and technology, it is necessary to seek changes in production to accommodate good ideas, and to apply universal design globally by changing all strategies and methods that have been pursued previously. In the past, most buildings were made of wood. Wood has the advantage of allowing you to build a house in a short time, but it has the disadvantage of low sustainability because it is vulnerable to fire and wind. At the time of the Bauhaus, standards of design and construction were defined. The definition concerned planning standards and standards for how a particular building should be built based on ergonomics. It was published as a book and used as a guidebook for builders worldwide.