Going Public

 Seoul Design International Forum 2023 

 14 September, KST13:00-18:00  Live Streaming SDIF.ORG 

Session 2 : The City of Tomorrow : Future City of Sentiments established through a new vision of design

Going Public

Meejin Yoon(Dean, Cornell University AAP, and Partner, Höweler + Yoon Architecture)

​The public realm is not a default condition, but rather something which must be actively produced, designed, and constructed. How we design it has the capacity to transform how we identify ourselves as part of a collective society, how we form common values and common ground, and how the notion of “the public” is constituted—to design for the public realm is also to design a public through that realm. Today, it is a site of overlapping constituencies, interests and stakeholders that create a layered set of complex interests constantly in negotiation. Because design is inherently specific, we value this specificity to make meaning, engage audiences, and create place.

In this lecture, J. Meejin Yoon will present projects that address the public realm as a site of negotiation and formation, where placemaking, activation and design intersect to produce the “urban alchemy” of the contemporary city. This lecture will demonstrate how design has the capacity to engage the public and transform the public realm.

Meejin Yoon(Dean, Cornell University AAP, and Partner, Höweler + Yoon Architecture)

1. Field

- Architecture, Design, Urbanism

2. Organization

- Dean, College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Cornell University, 2019-Present

3. Main Experiences

- Professor & Head of Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014-2018

4. Project

- 212 Stewart Street. 20 Story Multi-Family Residential Building in Boston, MA. President, 2022

- Collier Memorial. Permanent memorial on Massachusetts Institute of Technology Campus in Cambridge, MA. President, 2015

- Moongate Bridge. Shanghai, China. President, 2022

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